North Beach Events

Written by on January 20, 2024

Upcoming Events in

Ocean Shores and surrounding areas

Music, art, parades, dancing, quilts, picnics, and festivals make the Coast an exciting place to be, any season of the year. You won’t want to miss your favorite happenings, so be sure to note them!


We hope you can join us for our 17th Annual Garden Opening Celebration on Saturday April 5th, 10am to 1pm!

Come to the opening to sign-up to rent a garden plot, or just tour the garden and shop for plants, seeds, and other garden supplies. The event is free to the public and everyone is welcome…stop by anytime! Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions throughout the day.*

If you want to rent a plot this season, please email us to reserve a spot or to be put on the waitlist if all plots are filled ( Garden beds are $25-$30/year, plus a refundable clean-up deposit. For more details check the Plot Rental Page on our website:

10am – 12pm Plot Rental Assignments (by appointment)
10am – 12pm Master Gardener Plant Clinic
10am – 1pm Plant and Garden Supply Sale
12 pm – 1pm Q & A “Gardening on the Coast”

The event will be held in Jacobson Hall at Galilean Lutheran Church next door to the garden, at 824 Ocean Shores BLVD NW in Ocean Shores.

Are you interested in volunteering? We will have information and people to talk to so you can get started!

Thank you and hope to see you “growing” in the garden soon!

Come hang out with us in Montesano at my favorite a lot for homemade pizza and fun cocktails 🎉✨ We’re bringing the full band so get ready to dance!

Researchers, witnesses, skeptics & enthusiasts come to the Quinault Beach Resort & Casino for the UFO Paranormal Summit.

We feature the worlds most renowned researchers in the UFO and Paranormal worlds as well as new researchers as they present their evidence, theories and information.

Contact Information
Quinault Beach Resort & Casino
78 State Route 115
Ocean Shores, WA. 98569

North Beach Independent Media’s 3rd Annual New Years Eve Beach Bash December 31st 2025! Ocean Shores Convention Center. Mark your Calendar for another awesome evening with:

Randy Hansen

and Whiskey Creek

Event sponsor The Grey Gull Hotel

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